Happy Spring! The farm is a bustling hub of activity. There were seventy six kids born here this spring and all of them are still here heading for weaning from milk. All are almost two months of age, eating a full ration of free choice grass hay and alfalfa and will be ready to go to their new home around the first week of May. The majority are boer/lamancha crosses and are already sold. The remainder are our dairy replacement doe kids and their wether brothers who will be sold as pets when weaned. All kids have been free of health problems and have grown out well.
Our kidding season was completed on April 1st and with the exception of losing twelve year old Virmellia who developed complications post kidding, everyone did well and the milk is flowing. There is great sadness when they die, as they’ve been part of our daily life the duration of their lives. She will be missed and leaves a lovely doe kid who will hopefully carry on her family line.
Cheese making is under way and going well. I’m hoping to start a batch of feta this week and some raw milk aged tomme perhaps next week. The tomme is selling well so I’m feeling some pressure to get some going!
Fortunately, there is better news regarding the hay crop this post. With the late rains and some warm weather the field has “shot up” and there is going to be a crop. It really is a nice field and we can see the “pea flowers” blooming. The deer and the wild turkeys are enjoying the field as well, and I’m excited about the prospect of having some nice grain hay for the goats. However, as they say, it’s a long way from being in the bale and in the barn, so we will keep our fingers crossed. Join us on FB to see current photos of the field.
Our farmers’ market season has begun with the new flush of milk and renewed cheese making. Mark is enjoying seeing everyone after the long winter. I enjoy the markets as well and am able to attend here and there after the kids are raised and sold.
We hope everyone is enjoying the coming of Spring. Get out to your local Farmers’ Market and partake in the local seasonal bounty of your area.
Until next time, best wishes, Deneane.