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Deneane and kids -2015Each kid born here matters. We raise our kids and they go on to be dairy seed stock, pack goats, pets, and productive members of meat goat operations.

The herd has been sero-negative for CAEV since the late 180s and has never had a CL abscess.

Kids are fed pasteurized goat milk three times daily and offered grass hay from day one. By three weeks they are ruminating, readily consuming free choice grass hay and are ready for weaning off milk at six weeks.

All of our kids are disbudded, and wethered if males. Dairy bucklings must be ordered prior to the beginning of kidding season.

The majority of the LaMancha-Boer crossbred kids are sold private treaty at weaning. The females make excellent brood does for meat goat operations when crossed back on Boer fullblood bucks. Typically, these does produce more milk for a longer period of time than the fullblood Boer does, as well as having a better udder attachment.  These cross bred does tend to be “easy keepers” and hardy.

The cross bred male kids work well for “growing out” for meat or pets.

Each year a few kids are offered at three weeks of age to motivated kid raisers who are able to continue milk feeding until weaning age.  These kids are healthy, well started, disbudded, wethered, and make wonderful pets, pack goats, or meat goats.

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Contact Details:

North Valley Farms
P.O. Box 698
Cottonwood, California 96022

Phone: 530-347-7151

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All photos not otherwise attributed are by Deneane Ashcraft.